Land Use
If it relates to the use of land, Downey Brand’s attorneys cover it all – whether it involves existing uses, planned development, the permitting process or litigation. Downey Brand’s land use attorneys advise clients on the full range of issues related to zoning, entitlements, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Subdivision Map Act, Williamson Act and more.
Our Sacramento and San Francisco land use attorneys routinely handle single and multi-family housing, mixed-use, retail, commercial real estate, industrial, mining, energy, and public infrastructure projects. We help clients navigate the red tape and potential pitfalls of land use permitting at the local, regional, state, and federal levels – from project conception to completion and every step in-between. Our land use attorneys understand that clients can sometimes be frustrated by the complexity of land use permitting and administrative hurdles, so we provide a road map for achieving their development goals.
Our attorneys realize land use development can have real or perceived impacts on surrounding property owners or interest groups. Our Sacramento and San Francisco land use attorneys routinely meet with and resolve any concerns regarding the development by looking for workable solutions that the development can accommodate. Where negotiated resolutions are not possible, we work to create a defensible environmental document should resistance to a project result in a lawsuit.
Success Highlight
On December 21, 2023, the City Design Director approved redevelopment of the former Sacramento Bee site in Midtown to allow demolition of the existing Bee and construction of 538 multi-family residential units. The project, which is consistent with the City’s Specific Plan, significantly contributes to the local housing stock as the largest housing project ever approved in the Central City of Sacramento. The lone opposition came from the preservation community, which claimed that the building maintained historic significance, despite the City’s Preservation Director conclusion to the contrary. Opponents have ten days to appeal the decision to the City’s Planning Commission. Downey Brand of Counsel Tina Thomas and associate Sam Bacal-Graves shepherded the project through the process.
Selected Experience
Selected Experience
- Represented appellant City of Manhattan Beach and amici curiae California League of Cities (League) and California State Association of Counties (CSAC) in appeal involving CEQA’s fair argument standard. Prevailed on appeal to the California Supreme Court. Save the Plastic Bag Coalition v. City of Manhattan Beach, 52 Cal.4th 155 (2011)
- Represented solar developers in multi-state Solar Energy Development Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement. Improved requirements and findings for client solar energy companies through comments and meetings 11,000-page draft PEIS for BLM’s proposed program governing the development of utility-scale solar energy projects on BLM-administered lands in California, Nevada and New Mexico.
- Defended a case filed against San Bernardino County, including a cause of action under the Brown Act and the County’s Sunshine Ordinance. (Ninth Cause of Action). The petition for writ of mandated was denied on all grounds. Delaware Tetra Technologies v. County of San Bernardino, Orange County Superior Court Case No. 30-2013-00635125.
Trade Groups
Featured News
- Downey Brand Victory: Filing Multiple NODs does not Restart Statute of Limitations – Attorneys in Downey Brand’s land use practice group won their eighth straight appellate victory on behalf of the City of Los Angeles when the Second District Court of Appeal ruled that opponents of a housing project failed to timely file their CEQA lawsuit. Click here to read about the decision on CEQA Chronicles.
- Annual Legislative Update: Important Land Use Laws Taking Effect in 2024 – the 2023 legislative session culminated in Governor Newsom signing dozens of land use bills. Our post on CEQA Chronicles discusses the most important. Click here to read.
- Represented appellant City of Manhattan Beach and amici curiae California League of Cities (League) and California State Association of Counties (CSAC) in appeal involving CEQA’s fair argument standard. Prevailed on appeal to the California Supreme Court. Save the Plastic Bag Coalition v. City of Manhattan Beach, 52 Cal.4th 155 (2011)
- Represented solar developers in multi-state Solar Energy Development Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement. Improved requirements and findings for client solar energy companies through comments and meetings 11,000-page draft PEIS for BLM’s proposed program governing the development of utility-scale solar energy projects on BLM-administered lands in California, Nevada and New Mexico.
- Defended a case filed against San Bernardino County, including a cause of action under the Brown Act and the County’s Sunshine Ordinance. (Ninth Cause of Action). The petition for writ of mandated was denied on all grounds. Delaware Tetra Technologies v. County of San Bernardino, Orange County Superior Court Case No. 30-2013-00635125.
- Defended City of Fremont against challenge to City’s denial of an application to subdivide under 1094.5. We prevailed both on Petitioner’s motion to augment the record (which was denied), and at trial (writ denied in full). Wang v. City of Fremont, Alameda County Superior Court Case No. FG10512677.
- Defended City of Napa against action challenging City’s easement rights in a public utility easement over private property. Obtained dismissal of entire action against City on demurrer. Young v. Young, Napa County Superior Court Case No. 26-51036.
- Defended City of Napa against action challenging City’s use of City property burdened by a non-exclusive easement for adjacent property owner. Uno Fratelli LLC v. City of Napa, Napa County Superior Court Case Nos. 26-53259, 26-55770.
- Represented solar developers in multi-state Solar Energy Development Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement. Improved requirements and findings for client solar energy companies through comments and meetings 11,000-page draft PEIS for BLM’s proposed program governing the development of utility-scale solar energy projects on BLM-administered lands in California, Nevada and New Mexico.
- Represented shopping center developer in Redding in negotiations with Regional Water Quality Control Board for Clean Water Act 401 certification and with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on Clean Water Act 303 permit, as well as in discussions with the City about project conditions.
- Represented numerous reclamation districts in levee construction projects dealing with project management, various agency approvals, and resolving archaeological issues related to Native American burial sites.
- Represented the Modesto Irrigation District in 20 separate eminent domain actions involving the acquisition of property for a 230 kV transmission line.
- Represented Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority in a case against Danna Investment Company resulting in a verdict that was substantially lower than the pre-litigation offer and deposit of probable compensation, which resulted in a judgment requiring the landowner to return some of the deposit to the public agency.
- Advising a municipal client regarding potential conflicts between existing and proposed conservation easements and strategies for resolving (ongoing).
- Negotiating a conservation easement on behalf of a large landowner (in the early stages).
- Reviewing and analyzing conservation easements and advising clients regarding related issues.
Samuel D. Bacal-Graves
Senior Associate
Sacramento 916.520.5452
Amy R. Higuera
San Francisco 415.848.4836
Christian L. Marsh
Christian L. Marsh
Partner / Executive Committee Member

Public agencies and private companies turn to Christian Marsh for advice on regulatory and land use entitlement issues governing real estate developments, ground and surface water supply projects, renewable and non-renewable energy facilities, mining operations and processing plants, and port and waterfront developments.
San Francisco 415.848.4830
San Francisco 415.848.4830
Kathryn L. Oehlschlager
San Francisco 415.848.4820
Rebecca R. A. Smith
Sacramento 916.520.5281
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November 7, 2024Downey Brand Ranked Nationally and Regionally in 2025 Best Law Firms®
November 2, 2023Downey Brand Ranked Nationally and Regionally in 2024 Best Law Firms®
November 5, 2022Downey Brand Ranked Nationally and Regionally in 2023 “Best Law Firms” by U.S. News – Best Lawyers®
September 28, 2022Thomas Law Group to Merge with Downey Brand
Merger Compliments Strategic Expansion of Natural Resources Department in Sacramento and San Francisco -
October 29, 2021Rebecca Smith Named 40 Under 40 by Sacramento Business Journal
March 8, 2021Real Estate Partner Marc Centor Joins Downey Brand’s San Francisco Office
January 15, 2020Downey Brand Names Two New Partners
May 20, 2019Downey Brand Senior Associate Promoted to Counsel
December 20, 2017Downey Brand Promotes Four New Counsel
December 12, 2017Downey Brand Names Six New Partners
January 6, 2017Downey Brand Names New Partners and Counsel
April 20, 2016Announcing CEQA Chronicles
A Blog Focusing on Environmental Review Under the California Environmental Quality Act -
November 2, 2015Veteran Environmental Attorneys Kathryn Oehlschlager and Donald Sobelman Join Downey Brand
Firm Furthers its Bay Area Commitment with Expansion of San Francisco Office
In the News
1 related items-
September 30, 2022Environmental, Land Use Law Firm Thomas Law Group Merging with Downey Brand
Sacramento Business Journal
Speaking Engagements / Events
17 related items-
November 19, 2024BPC Briefing: 2024 CEQA and Regulatory Update
Bay Planning Coalition's 12th Annual CEQA Update -
November 4, 2024CEQA Update: Issues and Trends in 2024
UCLA Extension - Webinar -
February 15, 2024CEQA 2024 Update – A Deeper Dive
Argent Communications 9th Annual California Land Use Law & Policy Virtual Conference -
November 30 - December 1County Counsels’ Association of California Fall 2023 Land Use Study Section Meeting
Embassy Suites by Hilton Monterey Bay Seaside, California -
April 25, 2022California Water Rights, Supply and Quality Webinar
Speaker, HalfMoon Education Live Webinars -
March 10, 20222022 Advanced CEQA Workshop
Speaker, 2022 Advanced CEQA Workshop -
March 16, 2021Defensible Spaces: How Updates to State and Local Codes Aim to Achieve Wildfire Prevention in California
Environment, Land Use and Real Estate Section of the BASF Barristers Club -
November 19, 2020BPC Expert Briefing: CEQA Update 2020
Bay Planning Coalition's 8th Annual CEQA Update -
November 11, 2020CEQA and Environmental Impact Reports: 2020 Cases, Standards, Mitigation Measures, Exemptions and Lead Agencies
Strafford Webinars -
May 26, 2020The Intersection of CEQA & the Cannabis Industry
Moderator, Bar Association of San Francisco, CLE Webinar -
November 18, 2019BPC Expert Briefing: CEQA Update 2019
Bay Planning Coalition's 7th Annual CEQA Update -
October 17-20, 201928th Annual Environmental Law Conference at Yosemite®
Presented by the California Lawyers Association -
June 27, 2019Compliance with AB 52: A Consultation Success Story
Moderator, Bar Association of San Francisco Environmental Law Section -
May 10, 2019Resiliency for a Vibrant Bay Area
Panelist, Bay Planning Coalition’s 2019 Spring Summit -
May 2-3, 2019County Administration of Groundwater Under CEQA, the Public Trust Doctrine and SGMA – ELF v. SWRCB and POWER v. Stanislaus County
Co-presenter, County Counsels' Association of California Spring 2019 Land Use Conference -
November 1, 2018Affordable Housing, Costa-Hawkins Revisions and Reaching the Middle Class
Moderator, 2018 Bisnow Multifamily Annual Conference NorCal -
May 4-6, 2016Land Use and CEQA Litigation Update
Presenter, League of California Cities City Attorneys' Spring Conference
120 related items-
Sixth District Holds CEQA 30-Day Statute of Limitations Triggered by Local Agency’s Definition of “Final” Approval
CEQA Chronicles -
CEQA Causes of Action Based on the Subdivision Map Act May be Subject to the Subdivision Map Act’s Statute of Limitations
CEQA Chronicles -
November 5, 2024CEQA Legislative Fix For State Capitol Renovation Upheld, All Work Performed Exempt
CEQA Chronicles -
September 10, 2024California Supreme Court Clarifies Time to Appeal Writ Decisions
CEQA Chronicles -
July 25, 2024California Supreme Court Reverses First District Court of Appeal’s Decision in UC Berkeley People’s Park Student Housing Case
CEQA Chronicles -
June 21, 2024Project’s Completion Did Not Moot CEQA Claim
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April 29, 2024U.S. Supreme Court rules that legislatively-imposed permit conditions must satisfy the ‘essential nexus’ and ‘rough proportionality’ tests for takings
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April 22, 2024City of Livermore Must Process a Referendum Challenging an Affordable Housing Development Project
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January 29, 2024HAA does not Mandate Approval of Housing Project Found Inconsistent with Zoning
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January 15, 2024Extensions to State Project Long-Term Water Supply Contracts Survive Appeal
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January 19, 2024Trial Court Upholds City’s Discretion Regarding Whether Resources Qualify as Tribal Cultural Resources; AB 52 Consultation Not Required with Tribe that Failed to Timely Request Consultation
CEQA Chronicles -
January 18, 2024Downey Brand Victory: Filing Multiple NODs does not Restart Statute of Limitations
CEQA Chronicles -
January 17, 2023Approval Upheld for Lafayette Affordable Housing Project Delayed for a Decade
CEQA Chronicles -
January 5, 2023First District Affirms Denial of Anti-SLAPP Motion in a Malicious Prosecution Action Filed Against CEQA Petitioner’s Attorney
CEQA Chronicles -
December 21, 2022Court Finds Site Visits and Reports Taken Before and After Issuance of NOP Adequate for Establishing Biological Resources Baseline, EIR’s Emergency Evacuation Analysis Upheld
CEQA Chronicles -
May 23, 2022First District Invalidates Garaventa Hills EIR for Improperly Classifying No-Project Alternative of Preserving Residentially-Zoned Land as Infeasible
CEQA Chronicles -
December 20, 2021California Enacts More Than Two Dozen Laws This Year to Combat Housing Crisis
CEQA Chronicles -
December 13, 2021Third Appellate District Recognizes Unique Regional Resources at Lake Tahoe in Finding Olympic Valley Resort EIR Flawed
CEQA Chronicles -
October 22, 2021Are Reductions in Parking a CEQA Impact – Second District Finds Context is Key
CEQA Chronicles -
October 19, 2021Ninth Circuit Finds that Distribution of Drinking Water Containing MCL-Compliant Levels of Hexavalent Chromium Gives Rise to RCRA Liability in Decision that Upends Law of the Circuit
CEQA Chronicles -
July 26, 2021First District Court of Appeal Finds CEQA Claim Time-Barred Due to Insufficient Tolling Agreement
CEQA Chronicles -
July 21, 2021Residents’ Comments About Existing Fire Hazards Do Not Constitute Substantial Evidence of a New Project’s Impacts Under CEQA
CEQA Chronicles -
June 17, 2021First District Denies Challenge to Napa County Approval of Mining Operations Because Petitioner Failed to Exhaust Administrative Remedies and CEQA Requires Limited Review of General Plan Consistency
CEQA Chronicles -
June 17, 2021Governor Newsom’s New Executive Order Establishes End Dates For Pandemic-Related Suspensions for CEQA Filing, Posting, Notice, and Tribal Consultation Requirements and Brown Act Meeting Requirements
CEQA Chronicles -
June 9, 2021Third District Finds County General Plan Requirements for Mitigating Traffic Impacts Present an Unconstitutional Exaction
CEQA Chronicles -
May 28, 2021Good News for California Housing: SB 7 Extends Expedited CEQA Review to Small-Scale Infill Housing Projects
CEQA Chronicles -
May 21, 2021CEQA Plaintiffs Beware: Meritless Lawsuits May Be Subject To Counter-Claims for Malicious Prosecution
CEQA Chronicles -
May 17, 2021Poseidon’s Desalination Plant’s Supplemental EIR Holds Water According to the Court of Appeal
CEQA Chronicles -
May 14, 2021In First Published Opinion Interpreting SB 35, Court of Appeal Rejects City of Berkeley’s Attempts to Avoid Application of the Law and Orders Streamlined Approval of Mixed-Use Infill Project
CEQA Chronicles -
May 3, 2021Properly Posting Notice of Determination Triggers Short CEQA Statute of Limitations Despite Not Providing the Notice to Petitioner as Requested
CEQA Chronicles -
April 22, 2021First District Finds Petitioner Failed to Exhaust Administrative Remedies in CEQA Challenge to Removal of Controversial Sculpture
CEQA Chronicles -
April 19, 2021California Supreme Court Grants Review of Third District’s Preemption Decision
CEQA Chronicles -
March 1, 2021Judge Finds that Water Boards Have Authority to Regulate Discharges of Dredge and Fill Material as Waste Under Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act
CEQA Chronicles -
January 28, 2021Biden’s Inauguration Day Executive Order on Environment and Energy Regulation
CEQA Chronicles -
January 22, 2021Judge Suspends State Procedures as Applied to Majority of Waters of the State; Retains Application to Waters Subject to the Clean Water Act and All Ocean Waters Regardless of Jurisdiction
CEQA Chronicles -
January 13, 2021First Appellate District Approves Responsible Agency’s Imposition of Mitigation Not Considered in the EIR
CEQA Chronicles -
September 8, 2020In Martis Camp Ruling, Subsequent Review Under CEQA Hinges on the Right EIR
CEQA Chronicles -
September 2, 2020California Supreme Court Throws the Barn Doors Open, Finding That Groundwater Well Permits Aren’t Necessarily Ministerial
CEQA Chronicles -
August 3, 2020Agency Email Correspondence Must be Retained Under CEQA, Appeals Court Holds
CEQA Chronicles -
July 20, 2020Sixth District Holds CEQA Does Not Require Supplemental Review for a Streambed Alteration Permit
CEQA Chronicles -
April 28, 2020Governor Newsom Issues Order Requiring Electronic Posting of CEQA Notices and Suspending CEQA Filing, Posting, Notice, and Tribal Consultation Requirements for 60 Days
CEQA Chronicles -
June 9, 2020Trump Signs Executive Order Allowing Agencies to Bypass NEPA, ESA, and CWA Requirements
CEQA Chronicles -
May 29, 2020Second Appellate District Expands Baseline Analysis in Upholding Environmental Impact Report for Refinery Project Intended to Help Reduce Air Pollutants
CEQA Chronicles -
May 27, 2020Third Appellate District Voids City Council Vote Based on Legislative Member’s Bias
CEQA Chronicles -
May 4, 2020Twenty-Two Environmental Groups and Nineteen Jurisdictions File Suit in Three District Courts Challenging The 2020 WOTUS Rule
CEQA Chronicles -
April 23, 2020To VMT or not to VMT? Third District Says Level of Service No Longer Valid to Measure Traffic Impacts, But Use of Vehicle Miles Traveled is Not Yet Required
CEQA Chronicles -
April 23, 2020After Months of Delay The 2020 WOTUS Rule is Finally Published, Ensuring the California Regulated Community Receives No Relief Associated with the Rule’s Bright Lines and Clarifications
CEQA Chronicles -
April 21, 2020Two CEQA Statute of Limitations Cases, Two Different Results
CEQA Chronicles -
April 8, 2020COVID-19 Alert: Judicial Council Issues Sweeping Emergency Rules; Local Agencies Issue Regional Changes
CEQA Chronicles -
March 12, 2020Fifth Appellate District Invalidates Kern County Oil and Gas Ordinance
CEQA Chronicles -
September 11, 2019State Wetland Definition and Procedures for Discharges of Dredge or Fill Material to Waters of the State Becomes Effective on May 28, 2020
CEQA Chronicles -
August 22, 2019California Supreme Court Holds Medical Marijuana Zoning Ordinance is a Project Subject to CEQA
CEQA Chronicles -
August 20, 2019Trump Administration Announces Three Rules Making Sweeping Changes to Federal Endangered Species Act Regulations
CEQA Chronicles -
May 20, 20192019 Amendments to the CEQA Guidelines: Part Two – Greenhouse Gases, Energy, and Wildfire Impacts
CEQA Chronicles -
April 4, 2019After Years of Handwringing and Lengthy Stakeholder Negotiations, California Water Board Adopts State Wetland Definition and Procedures for Discharges of Dredge or Fill Material to Waters of the State
CEQA Chronicles -
April 2, 2019First District Rejects “Location Exception” for Project in Earthquake Fault and Landslide Areas and Affirms Class 3 Exemption for Small Residential Projects in the Berkeley Hills
CEQA Chronicles -
February 15, 20192019 Amendments to the CEQA Guidelines: Part One – Transportation Impacts
CEQA Chronicles -
February 1, 2019Court of Appeal Finds No Discretionary Action in St. Helena Multi-family Dwelling Development
CEQA Chronicles -
January 29, 2019Fourth District Upholds Use of Existing Facilities Exemption for San Diego Amusement Park Lease, Finding no Causal Connection Between “Unusual Circumstance” and Potential Impacts
CEQA Chronicles -
December 31, 2018California Supreme Court Requires De Novo Review for EIR Adequacy Challenges and Imposes Heightened EIR Requirements Connecting Environmental Impacts with Specific Health Consequences
CEQA Chronicles -
November 27, 2018California Supreme Court Set to Review Companion Groundwater Cases and Resolve When County-Issued Well Permits May Be Treated As Ministerial and Not Subject to CEQA
CEQA Chronicles -
November 4, 2018Fourth District Upholds San Diego’s Addendum for Balboa Park Revitalization Project, Validates the CEQA Addendum Process
CEQA Chronicles -
November 1, 2018Court of Appeal Allows CEQA Challenge to PG&E Tree Removal Project to Proceed, But Finds Claims under Planning & Zoning Law Time-Barred
CEQA Chronicles -
October 23, 2018California Supreme Court Hears CEQA Appeal Questioning the Appropriate Legal Standard of Review for EIR Challenges and the Need for More Specific Health Impact Analyses
CEQA Chronicles -
October 22, 2018Bay Planning Coalition Workshop: 2018 CEQA Update and Federal Regulatory Developments
CEQA Chronicles -
July 23, 2018Administration Continues its Roll on Regulatory Changes, Proposing Numerous Changes in Rules Governing Federal Endangered Species Act
CEQA Chronicles -
July 2, 2018For the First Time in Forty Years, White House Council on Environmental Quality Poised to Propose Major Overhaul of its Implementing Regulations Under NEPA
CEQA Chronicles -
June 8, 2018OPR Issues Helpful Technical Advisory Listing CEQA Exemptions Outside CEQA Statute
CEQA Chronicles -
May 1, 2018Update: SCOTUS Declines Review of Friends of the Eel River CEQA Preemption Decision
CEQA Chronicles -
April 26, 2018Appeals Court Finds that EIR for Planned Los Angeles Railyard for Storage and Transfer of Goods Failed to Sufficiently Consider Air Quality Impacts
CEQA Chronicles -
April 24, 2018West Covina Mitigated Negative Declaration Upheld, and Parking Impacts For Infill Projects Deemed Exempt by the Second Appellate District
CEQA Chronicles -
February 5, 2018Fifth Appellate District Upholds City of Visalia’s General Plan Update Against Challenge to Square Footage Restrictions in Neighborhood Commercial Zones
CEQA Chronicles -
January 12, 2018Clean Sweep for City of San Diego in Challenge to Approval of Private School
CEQA Chronicles -
January 5, 2018Second Appellate District Rejects Challenge to EIR Alternatives Analysis for West Hollywood Redevelopment Project
CEQA Chronicles -
October 25, 2017First Appellate District Rejects Urban Decay Claim, Upholds EIR for New El Dorado County Courthouse
CEQA Chronicles -
August 29, 2017Fourth Appellate District Upholds City of San Diego’s Rejection of Subdivision Project and Related MND
CEQA Chronicles -
August 1, 2017“Self-Governance,” Not “Regulation”: California Supreme Court Rules No Federal Preemption of CEQA under ICCTA for State-Owned Rail Projects
CEQA Chronicles -
July 25, 2017DWR Certifies EIR for WaterFix, Triggering 30-Day Deadline for Opponents to File Suit
CEQA Chronicles -
July 18, 2017State Legislature Reaches Agreement on Extension of the Greenhouse Gas Cap-and-Trade Program; Stops the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s Proposed Cap (and-No-Trade)
CEQA Chronicles -
July 6, 2017Sixth District Upholds County Zoning Updates Against Piecemealing Claim, Rejects Challenge to Negative Declaration Based on “Wholly Speculative” Impacts
CEQA Chronicles -
June 20, 2017First Appellate District Holds that Air Quality Management District’s Issuance of “Authority to Construct” May Be Challenged Under CEQA
CEQA Chronicles -
May 31, 2017The California Supreme Court Has a Banner Week, Hearing Argument in Three CEQA and Land Use Cases
CEQA Chronicles -
May 15, 2017A Rare Decision on Preclusion in the CEQA Context
CEQA Chronicles -
May 9, 2017Up One Day, Down the Next—California Air Resources Board Receives Mixed Reviews in its Implementation of its Cap-and-Trade Program and Low Carbon Fuel Standard
CEQA Chronicles -
May 7, 2017Third District Finds that EIR for Residential Development Inadequately Assessed Traffic Impacts
CEQA Chronicles -
May 4, 2017Limitations on Subsequent Review Under CEQA
CEQA Chronicles -
May 2, 2017Banning Ranch Conservancy v. City of Newport Beach
CEQA Chronicles -
April 30, 2017Second District Denies Mandatory Relief from Adverse Judgment to Plaintiff Whose Counsel Failed to Timely Lodge Administrative Record
CEQA Chronicles -
March 24, 2017Fourth Appellate District Upholds EIR for 200-Acre Specific Plan Development in Riverside County
CEQA Chronicles -
March 14, 2017Downey Brand Partners to Speak at AEP 2017 State Conference in San Francisco
CEQA Chronicles -
March 6, 2017CEQA Implications of California Supreme Court Decision Finding Public Officials’ and Employees’ Personal Accounts Do Not Escape Reach of Public Records Act
CEQA Chronicles -
January 18, 2017California Supreme Court Grants Review in Medical Marijuana CEQA Case
CEQA Chronicles -
November 16, 2016Ninth Circuit Upholds Final EIS for Tahoe Area Regional Plan Update
CEQA Chronicles -
October 24, 2016Local Ordinance Regulating Medical Marijuana Dispensaries is Not a “Project” Subject to CEQA Review, Fourth Appellate District Rules (Again)
CEQA Chronicles -
October 11, 2016Downey Brand’s Fall 2016 CEQA and Land Use Litigation Update
CEQA Chronicles -
September 30, 2016Fifth District Allows Real Party to Recover Costs of Record Preparation
CEQA Chronicles -
September 27, 2016Surface Transportation Board Discusses Boundaries of Federal Preemption of CEQA and Local Land Use Requirements, Denies Petition by Refinery Over Crude-By-Rail Facility
CEQA Chronicles -
September 21, 2016California Supreme Court Rejects “New Project Test” and Defers to Agencies on Whether Project Modifications Require Subsequent Environmental Review
CEQA Chronicles -
September 15, 2016First Appellate District Upholds Use of Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration for Revisions to Use Permit for Religious Facility, Rejects Claim of General Plan Inconsistency
CEQA Chronicles -
September 7, 2016Legislature Extends Judicial Streamlining For Environmental Leadership Projects For Two Years, Through 2018
CEQA Chronicles -
August 29, 2016Second Appellate District Upholds Use of Class 3 Exemption and Rejects Claim That “General Effects” of Operating a Business Constitute Unusual Circumstances
CEQA Chronicles -
August 25, 2016Sixth Appellate District Adopts Substantial Evidence Standard for Review of Lead Agency Determinations Regarding Historical Resources
CEQA Chronicles -
August 22, 2016Air District CEQA Guidelines Partially Invalidated For Mandating “CEQA-In-Reverse” Analysis, Following Remand From California Supreme Court
CEQA Chronicles -
August 15, 2016Appellate District Rejects ‘Discovery Rule’ in CEQA Cases and Holds Challenge to Richmond Crude-By-Rail Facility Untimely Under 180-day Statute of Limitations
CEQA Chronicles -
July 29, 2016Appellate Court Rejects Urban Decay Claim Based on Lay Witness Opinion, Upholds Mitigated Negative Declaration
CEQA Chronicles -
July 27, 2016Appellate Court Upholds Bay Area’s SB 375 Sustainable Communities Strategy
CEQA Chronicles -
July 25, 2016Appellate District in Newhall Ranch Case Limits its Jurisdiction to Supervise Agency Compliance with Rulings in CEQA Cases
CEQA Chronicles -
July 20, 2016Fifth Appellate District Publishes Opinion Confirming Broad Discretion of Local Agencies to Determine General Plan Consistency
CEQA Chronicles -
July 4, 2016Addendum Does Not Save Inadequate Energy Impacts Analysis in EIR, First Appellate District Rules
CEQA Chronicles -
June 24, 2016Appeals Court Finds Wal-Mart EIR Deficient and Overturns Development Approval Due to Inadequate Map Act Findings
CEQA Chronicles -
June 16, 2016CEQA Portal, New Web Resource for CEQA Practitioners, Now Available
CEQA Chronicles -
June 9, 2016Fifth Appellate District Rejects CEQA and General Plan Consistency Challenges to Modesto Commercial Development
CEQA Chronicles -
June 1, 2016Court of Appeal Rejects Use of Categorical Exemption, Muddies the Waters on Standard of Review for Exceptions
CEQA Chronicles -
May 23, 2016Downey Brand’s Spring 2016 CEQA and Land Use Litigation Update
CEQA Chronicles -
May 11, 2016Appeals Court Affirms Cadiz Valley Groundwater Project
CEQA Chronicles -
April 21, 2016Court of Appeal Hands Medical Marijuana Advocates a Two-Fold Victory, Under Both State Election Law and CEQA
CEQA Chronicles -
April 19, 2016Social and Psychological Impacts Related to “Community Character” Not Covered by CEQA
CEQA Chronicles -
April 6, 2016Appellate Court Upholds Local Restrictions on Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Against CEQA Challenge
CEQA Chronicles -
April 5, 2016The End (of LOS) is Nigh: OPR’s Revised Proposal on Analysis of Transportation Impacts
CEQA Chronicles -
April 4, 2016Another Busy Year for CEQA in the California Supreme Court: Arguments Set for May 4 in San Mateo Gardens Case; Four Other Cases Pending
CEQA Chronicles
Legal Alerts
16 related items-
February 18, 2022Significant Transmission Additions and Upgrades Identified in the California Grid Operator’s 20-Year Transmission Outlook
Energy Law -
January 24, 2022New Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Standard Makes Strides Towards Addressing Regulatory Uncertainty Associated With Emerging Contaminants, Such as PFAS
Environmental Law -
March 1, 2021Judge Finds that Water Boards Have Authority to Regulate Discharges of Dredge and Fill Material as Waste Under Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act
Water Quality Law -
January 20, 2021Judge Suspends State Procedures as Applied to Majority of Waters of the State; Retains Application to Waters Subject to the Clean Water Act and All Ocean Waters Regardless of Jurisdiction
Environmental Law -
April 13, 2020USEPA Issues Interim Guidance on Site Field Work Decisions Due to Impacts of COVID-19
Downey Brand COVID-19 News and UpdatesEnvironmental Law -
September 10, 2019State Wetland Definition and Procedures for Discharges of Dredge or Fill Material to Waters of the State Becomes Effective on May 28, 2020
Environmental Law -
May 9. 2019Joint Powers Authority Comprised of Irrigation Districts and the City and County of San Francisco Challenge Recently Adopted State Wetland Definition and Procedures for Discharges of Dredge or Fill Material to Waters of the State
Environmental Law -
April 4, 2019After Years of Handwringing and Lengthy Stakeholder Negotiations, California Water Board Adopts State Wetland Definition and Procedures for Discharges of Dredge or Fill Material to Waters of the State
Environmental Law -
January 8, 2016The California Supreme Court’s CEQA Docket Comes To A Dramatic Close For The Year, Resolving That EIRs Need Not Address The Environment’s Impacts On A Project
Environmental Law -
December 2, 2015California Supreme Court Strictly Interprets State Fully Protected Species Statute and Finds Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis Inadequate in Newhall Ranch EIR
Land Use Law -
October 30, 2015Update: Berkeley Hillside Case Ends With Victory for Lead Agency in Court of Appeal
Land Use Law -
August 5, 2015Supreme Court Holds California State University Cannot Avoid Off-Campus Mitigation
Land Use Law -
June 6, 2015Appeals Court Decides Crucial Case On State Fish And Wildlife’s Extension Of Streambed Alteration Limits To Existing Water Diversions
Water Law -
March 4, 2015California Supreme Court Delivers Long-Awaited Ruling In Berkeley Hillside
Land Use Law -
May 6, 2014Orange County Trial Court Upholds Cadiz Valley Groundwater Project
Water Law -
July 2010Court of Appeal Holds That CEQA Is Not Triggered By a Public Agency’s Investigation of Sites for a Potential Project
Land Use Law
38 related items-
December 20242024 Legislative Year End Wrap Up
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 34, Number 3 -
August/September 2024Legislative Update: Important Land Use Legislation
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 11 -
July 2024Legislative Update
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 19 -
July 2024First Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Marine Mammal Protection Act Challenge to Massachusetts Offshore Wind Project
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 19 -
July 2024Ninth Circuit Holds Forest Service Cannot Combine NEPA Categorical Exclusions
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 19 -
June 2024Legislative Update
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 9 -
June 2024Department of Energy Issues Final Rule Coordinating Permitting for Energy Transmission Projects
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 9 -
May 2024California Public Utilities Commission Proposes to Implement Fixed Income-Based Electricity Charges to Pay for Infrastructure and Operational Costs
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 8 -
May 2024Sacramento County Superior Court Rules in Favor of the State Water Board’s Substitute Environmental Document for Phase I of the San Francisco Bay-Delta Plan
California Water Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 8 -
April 2024Legislative Update
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 7 -
April 2024California Public Utilities Commission Establishes its Senate Bill 884 Expedited Undergrounding Program for Power Lines
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 7 -
April 2024U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Releases a Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Near-Term Operation of the Lower Colorado River Watershed
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 7 -
March 2024Legislative Update
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 6 -
March 2024California Energy Commission Releases Draft Offshore Wind Plan That Details Port Infrastructure Needs
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 6 -
January 2024Sacramento County Sues City of Sacramento for Public Nuisance and Water Pollution Associated with Unhoused Encampments
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 4 -
January 2024January 2023 Floods Blamed on Permitting Delays by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife – Lawsuits Filed
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 4 -
January 2024California Public Utilities Commission Extends Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant Operations Until 2030
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 4 -
January 23, 2024Downey Brand Compilation of Published CEQA Cases in 2023
December 20232023 Year-End Legislative Wrap Up
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 3 -
November 2023District Court Finds U.S. Forest Service Failed to Adequately Address Environmental Impacts From Amendments to Tree-Removal Standards in National Forests
Environmental, Energy, & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 4, Number 2 -
October 2023Legislative Update
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 1 -
March 2023Tenth Circuit Finds BLM Needs to Take a Hard Look Under NEPA for New Mexico Fracking Permits
Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 3, Number 6 -
September 2022Environmental Organizations File Lawsuit Challenging the National Marine Fisheries Service’s Approvals of Enhancement of Survival Permits for Shasta River Landowners
Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 2, Number 11 -
August 11, 2022Energy Commission Sets California Offshore Wind Target of 25 GW by 2045
Downey Brand Energy Publication -
May 26, 2022Recent Developments for California Offshore Wind
Downey Brand Energy Publication -
April 2022Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Issues Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Decommissioning of Four Klamath River Dams
California Water Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 32, Number 7 -
April 2022Department of Water Resources Begins Preparation of Environmental Impact Report for West False River Drought Salinity Barrier
California Water Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 32, Number 7 -
April 15, 2022California Offshore Wind Gains Momentum with Two Key Milestones in April
Downey Brand Energy Publication -
April 12, 2022San Francisco’s Storefront Vacancy Tax is Now in Effect
Downey Brand Publication -
March 2022U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and NOAA Enter into Joint Memorandum Regarding ESA Consultations for Existing Structures
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 31, Number 6 -
February 18, 2022Developing Offshore Wind in California – Environmental Permitting and Interconnection Considerations
Downey Brand Energy Publication -
January 10, 2022The $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Legislation Provides Key Funding and NEPA Streamlining for Key Environmental and Infrastructure Projects
Environmental, Energy, & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 2, Number 4 -
November 6, 2021California Passes Three Key Housing Bills this Legislative Year to Streamline CEQA Review for Certain Housing Projects
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 31, Number 2 -
June 2021California Court of Appeal Upholds Multimillion-Dollar Penalty Against Homeowner Blocking Public Access to the Coast
Environmental, Energy & Climate Change Law and Regulation Reporter, Volume 1, Number 9 -
July 27, 2020Streamlining the Federal Environmental Review Process: The Pros and Cons of FAST-41
Natural Resources & Environment, Volume 35, Number 1, Summer 2020 -
February 1, 2019California’s Public Trust Doctrine Draws Attention in the Courts
Legal Notes, Western City -
March 2017The 2016 Legislative Recap: An Unconventional Election Year Defending A Legacy
Contributor, California Environmental Law Reporter, Vol. 2017, Issue 3 -
March 2008For the Public’s Use? Eminent Domain in Stadium Construction
Sports Lawyers Journal