Dustin D. Peterson
Dustin Peterson is a results-oriented attorney that is focused on helping both private and public sector clients find creative and efficient solutions to navigating complex environmental and land use issues.
Dustin’s current practice focuses on land use and planning, and he is experienced in dealing with a variety of land use-related subjects and entitlements, including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Housing Accountability Act (HAA), the Density Bonus Law, the Public Records Act, and the Subdivision Map Act. Using a strategic approach that utilizes his knowledge of both state and federal law, Dustin is passionate about helping clients resolve a wide range of environmental and land use issues.
While in law school, Dustin worked as a research assistant at the UC Davis School of Law for Professors Christopher Elmendorf and Darien Shanske, where he researched state preemption of charter cities, the HAA, and Community Facilities Districts. He also worked as a Teaching Assistant in a Legal Research/Writing course. Before law school, Dustin was a music teacher and a strings specialist at a public high school in Fresno, CA.
Professional, Community And Pro Bono Involvement
- Sacramento County Bar Association, Environmental Law Section
- California Lawyers Association, Environmental Law Section
- UC Davis Environmental Law Society, 2018-2021
Honors & Rankings
- SacTown Magazine (formerly Sacramento Magazine), Top Lawyer, Land Use/Zoning, 2024
- King Hall Environmental Law Certificate, 2021
- King Hall Public Service Law Program Certificate, 2021
- Jun Aoki Book Award, 2021
- Michael H. Remy Memorial Scholarship, 2020
- Academic Excellence Award in Lawyering Process, 2019
- Contributed to helping a volunteer hospice for the homeless navigate the entitlements process.
- Assisted in drafting a request for publication, which was granted by the California Court of Appeal.
- Assisted in environmental document review, drafting litigation materials, and coordinating with clients in CEQA litigation.
- Assisted in conducting legal research for clients regarding the Housing Accountability Act and the Density Bonus law.
- Assisted in compiling and tracking housing and CEQA legislation and judicial opinions.
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September 7, 2023Four Populations of Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog Listed as Endangered or Threatened Under Federal Endangered Species Act
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June 30, 2023Harm to Public Interest in Informed Decision-making Can Tip the Scales When Courts Weigh Preliminary Injunctions
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May 19, 2023Neighbor vs. Neighbor Dispute Over Home Remodel Leads to Reversal of Anti-SLAPP Motion in Court of Appeal
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April 17, 2023Privately Owned Public Utility Not Required to Comply With CEQA in Eminent Domain Action
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February 1, 2023Petitioner Required To Post Bond For Costs Incurred As A Result Of Delay In Carrying Out Affordable Housing Project In Livermore
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January 20, 2023Design Changes to State Capitol Renovation Revealed in FEIR Did Not Adequately Allow for Public Input or Informed Decision-Making
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December 29, 2022Construction of 90-Foot-Tall Lights at Athletic Field Not Categorically Exempt as either an Existing Facility or Construction of a Small Structure
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December 23, 2022Exhausting Administrative Remedies Does Not Toll the Statute of Limitations When the CEQA Determination Is Not at Issue
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December 21, 2022Court Finds Site Visits and Reports Taken Before and After Issuance of NOP Adequate for Establishing Biological Resources Baseline, EIR’s Emergency Evacuation Analysis Upheld
CEQA Chronicles
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August/September 2024San Francisco Bay-Delta Population of Longfin Smelt Listed as Endangered Under the Federal Endangered Species Act
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May 2024California Public Utilities Commission Proposes to Implement Fixed Income-Based Electricity Charges to Pay for Infrastructure and Operational Costs
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January 23, 2024Downey Brand Compilation of Published CEQA Cases in 2023
November 2023District Court Finds U.S. Forest Service Failed to Adequately Address Environmental Impacts From Amendments to Tree-Removal Standards in National Forests
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May 2023Ninth Circuit Finds FAA Failed to Take Requisite ‘Hard Look’ Under NEPA at Noise Impacts From Airport Terminal Replacement Project
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Dustin enjoys spending most of his free time with his wife and two young children, and he loves taking the family on road trips around California. He is also an avid collector of musical instruments (mostly guitars and amplifiers), and enjoys listening to vinyl records on his turntable.
Professional, Community And Pro Bono Involvement
- Sacramento County Bar Association, Environmental Law Section
- California Lawyers Association, Environmental Law Section
- UC Davis Environmental Law Society, 2018-2021
Honors & Rankings
- SacTown Magazine (formerly Sacramento Magazine), Top Lawyer, Land Use/Zoning, 2024
- King Hall Environmental Law Certificate, 2021
- King Hall Public Service Law Program Certificate, 2021
- Jun Aoki Book Award, 2021
- Michael H. Remy Memorial Scholarship, 2020
- Academic Excellence Award in Lawyering Process, 2019