Speaking Engagements / Events
August 19, 2015
Federal Legal Flood Update
Presenter, National Association of Flood and Stormwater Management Agencies (NAFSMA) 2015 Annual Meeting
Presenter, National Association of Flood and Stormwater Management Agencies (NAFSMA) 2015 Annual Meeting
July 27, 2015
July 14, 2015
Drought and State Intervention; Managing Groundwater in a New Era
Panelist, The Bar Association of San Francisco Environmental Law Section
Panelist, The Bar Association of San Francisco Environmental Law Section
June 25, 2015
Trends in Legislation and Constitutional Challenges
Co-presenter, The State Bar of California, Agricultural Law Conference
Co-presenter, The State Bar of California, Agricultural Law Conference
June 18, 2015
Mid-Year Employer Update: Mental Health and the Workplace
Co-presenter, Downey Brand Employment Law Seminar
Co-presenter, Downey Brand Employment Law Seminar
June 15-16, 2015
It’s Official. The Drought Continues
Argent Communications 30th Annual California Water Law & Policy Conference
Argent Communications 30th Annual California Water Law & Policy Conference
June 4, 2015
Water Markets and Water Transfers: Critical Water Management Strategies
Presenter, ABA Annual Water Law Conference, Denver
Presenter, ABA Annual Water Law Conference, Denver
May 15, 2015
California Bankruptcy Forum 27th Annual Insolvency Conference
Insolvency 101: Evaluating An Insolvent Entity And Rehabilitation Strategies
Insolvency 101: Evaluating An Insolvent Entity And Rehabilitation Strategies
May 15, 2015
Local Groundwater Ordinances and Other Management Actions
Panelist, American Ground Water Trust, Annual California Groundwater Law Conference
Panelist, American Ground Water Trust, Annual California Groundwater Law Conference
May 6, 2015
CEQA and Land Use Litigation Update
Presenter, League of California Cities, 2015 City Attorneys’ Spring Conference
Presenter, League of California Cities, 2015 City Attorneys’ Spring Conference
May 6, 2015
Groundwater Adjudications in the Age of Sustainable Groundwater Management
Presenter, Association of California Water Agencies Spring 2015 Conference
Presenter, Association of California Water Agencies Spring 2015 Conference
April 30, 2015
March 18, 2015
All Systems Flow: Bypasses Clear & Ready
Presenter, California Central Valley Flood Control Association (CCVFCA) Annual Flood Forum
Presenter, California Central Valley Flood Control Association (CCVFCA) Annual Flood Forum
January 29, 2015
January 27, 2015
Are you ready for 2015? Many New Laws Will Affect California Employers
Co-presenter, Downey Brand Employment Law Seminar
Co-presenter, Downey Brand Employment Law Seminar
January 24, 2015
Advancements and Challenges in Agricultural Water Use Efficiency since 2009
Presenter, 11th Annual California Water Law Symposium
Presenter, 11th Annual California Water Law Symposium
January 2015
November 17, 2014
Implications of Changes Since 1994 in California’s Water Rights System
Panelist, Mono Lake at 20: Past Present and Future Symposium
Panelist, Mono Lake at 20: Past Present and Future Symposium