California’s Legal and Policy Discussion on Energy Takes a Broader Scope
November 2013
California Lawyer, 2013 Roundtable Series on Energy
As debate continues nationwide over hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, and other ways to develop conventional energy sources, California’s legal and policy discussion on energy takes a broader scope. The latest news is Gov. Jerry Brown’s signing in early October of AB 327, which cements California’s groundbreaking solar initiative, credited with jump-starting the rooftop solar industry. Other issues being watched closely here include the state’s multiplicity of energy regulators and frameworks and the potential impacts of improving technology, particular in energy storage. We caught up with Ashutosh Bhagwat, a professor at UC Davis School of Law and a board member at the California Independent System Operator; Michael Day, a partner at Goodin, MacBride, Squeri, Day & Lamprey; Christopher T. Ellison, a partner at Ellison, Schneider & Harris; David Spielberg, a partner with Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe; and John M. Spilman, of counsel with Cleantech Law Partners. The discussion was moderated by California Lawyer and reported by Balinda Dunlap of Barkley Court Reporters.
View a PDF of the entire conversation here.