Floodplain Management & Liability Reporter
March 2010
The water group at Downey Brand is pleased to release a complimentary edition of the Floodplain Management & Liability Reporter, published by Argent Communications. The Reporter’s inaugural edition was released in October 2009. Downey Brand’s Scott Shapiro and Andrea Clark are involved in the reporter as Editor-in-Chief and Editor, respectively. The publication has a national geographic scope and covers a broad range of issues related to floodplain management and liability that may interest you.
Throughout the year, the Reporter will focus on as many key aspects of floodplain management and liability as possible, including: water resource storage; water resource channeling and diversion; flood hazard mitigation; water allocation based on changing weather patterns and climate change; NFIP and state insurance; flood prevention and preparedness; disaster recovery; water supply and land use; the ability to insure against flood liability; lender liability; and, economic evaluation of water supply and flood loss. While the other Reporters published by Argent are written primarily by contributing editors who are attorneys, Floodplain Management & Liability Reporter’s experts consist of attorneys, floodplain managers, legislative advocates, economists, and engineers.
If you are interested in subscribing to the Floodplain Management & Liability Reporter, please go to www.argentco.com.
Click here for free copy: Floodplain Management & Liability Reporter