Sacramento-Area Big Brothers Big Sisters Dealing with Shortage of Mentors
September 25, 2019
Fox40 News
By Rowena Shaddox for Fox40 News
Brittney Carter is hoping to give her 8-year-old son a mentor.
“Getting him into a program that can give him a mentor, someone to look up to,” Carter said.
Carter, a single mother, turned to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Sacramento for help, but was told some disheartening news.
“Right now, our current waitlist for boys is at 138 boys here in the community who are waiting for Big Brothers,” spokesman Sean Filippini said.
The waitlist also includes 47 girls.
“The wait is at least six months, and sometimes up to 18 months,” Carter said.
But the organization is hoping to have more people volunteer. To become a Big Brother or Big Sister, you must be 20 years or older and pass a stringent FBI background check.
“If you are somebody whose got just a little bit of time, and a desire to step into the community, help somebody out, be a mentor, pay it forward,” Fillipini said. “Then you are exactly somebody that can help us.”
That’s the type of person Carter says would be a great match for her son.
“He has a huge heart. He’s very athletic and he likes to skateboard and he likes to do things. And me being a single mom and I work a lot so, it’s different having a mom go out with you,” she said.
To apply to be a Big Brother or Big Sister, or to donate to the organization, click here.