Too Much Water Too Fast: Conjunctive Management of Ground and Surface Water in Wet Periods
October 26-27, 2017
Presenter, Law Seminars International 5th Annual Conference on Tribal Water Law in California
Downey Brand water law attorney Rebecca Smith and co-presenter Behrooz Mortazavi from Water Resources Engineers, Inc. will provide legal and technical perspectives on the options for capturing more surface water for aquifer recharge. Their presention will answer two important questiions: (1) What are the legal issues including and beyond water rights?; and (2) How effectively can Tribes increase groundwater levels in preparation for the next drought? Their presentation is scheduled for Friday, October 27th at 10:45 a.m.
About the Conference:
This two-day conference will explore the many ways in which Tribes, local governments, and water agencies can work together to ensure an adequate and sustained supply of water for mutually beneficial uses, including the development of effective policies for water resource protection, development and allocation. The conference will review recent Tribal water rights litigation, impacts of State laws regulating groundwater on Tribal government efforts to protect and preserve their water rights and access to water sources, and the impacts of long-term drought and effects of the 2016-2017 rainy season.
Visit the event website for more information and to register.