Sustainable Groundwater Management Act
April 21, 2017
Co-instructor, UC Davis Extension
Downey Brand water law attorneys Meredith Nikkel and Becky Smith, along with William Halligan, principal hydrogeologist with Luhdorff & Scalmanini, are featured instructors for a UC Davis Extention course entitled "Sustainable Groundwater Management Act." The course is being taught on April 21, 2017 from 9:00 am – 4:30 pm at the Sutter Square Galleria Center in Sacramento.
Course Overview
Recent passage of California’s landmark Sustainable Groundwater Management Act fundamentally changes the landscape for water managers throughout the state. To assist professionals in complying with and implementing the legislation, UC Davis Extension’s Land Use and Natural Resources Program is pleased to announce a new noncredit course focused exclusively on ground water management in today’s complex regulatory and hydrologic environment.
The program is designed for practitioners from all perspectives: water districts, cities and counties, state regulatory and oversight agencies, consulting engineers, hydrologists, planners and policy analysts, attorneys, IRWM specialists, administrators, environmental and water resource scientists and advocates, and others. The program will delve deep into the law and its requirements, help participants understand groundwater law and hydrology and walk them through creating viable implementation strategies and developing a robust groundwater sustainability plan.