Post-Disaster: Weathering Scrutiny of Flood Management Decisions

March 21, 2018

Presenter, California Central Valley Flood Control Association (CCVFCA) Annual Flood Forum

Downey Brand Managing Partner Scott Shapiro is a co-presenter on the “Post-Disaster: Weathering Scrutiny of Flood Management Decisions,” panel at the Annual Flood Forum on March 21, 2018, in Sacramento. Flood Forum presenters will have a candid discussion about the need to improve the consistency of institutional support for the area’s flood management system. Presentations will focus on addressing questions that might be posed in a post-flood assessment report evaluating levee and dam maintenance and design, including:

  • Did inequities in maintenance standards for levees and dams result in damage to adjacent communities or increase overall system-wide risk?
  • What did regulatory and management agencies know about design and maintenance deficiencies, and what actions did they take or not take to minimize flood risk?
  • Were infrastructure failures exacerbated by inadequate levels of funding or reducing state’s cost share in programs such as Delta Levee Maintenance Subventions?
  • Are there institutional changes that would allow for more efficient use of limited resources, and what might that look like?