Overview of Bay-Delta Actions

June 21, 2019

Co-chair and Presenter, Argent's 34th Annual California Water Law & Policy Conference

Downey Brand is excited to sponsor the 34th Annual California Water Law & Policy Conference on June 20-21, 2019 in San Francisco. Downey Brand partner and water law attorney Meredith Nikkel will be acting as the Program Co-chair as well as presenting on plans, agreements and litigation on the Bay-Delta. Meredith’s presentation will center on an overview of Bay-Delta actions.

Argent’s annual conference focuses on complex issues regarding water law and policy in California. This year’s high snowpack and topped up reservoirs provide a backdrop for a discussion on developments in water supply regulation, reporting, and legislation. Attendees have the opportunity to interact with and learn from leading authorities from state regulatory agencies, environmental organizations, the academic community, as well as engage with California’s top water law attorneys. Topics include changes to Colorado River management; ongoing SGMA compliance issues for groundwater sustainability plans (GSPs); San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta water quality, habitat restoration, and the ever-changing WaterFix Project; taxation of water in an effort to assure a clean water supply; the scope of the Public Trust Doctrine; and the newly legal cannabis industry’s implications for water supply and quality issues.

This year’s keynote presenter is Ernest Conant, Regional Director for the Mid-Pacific Region of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Downey brand partners Scott Shapiro and David Aladjem will also be presenting.

Visit the event website to view the full agenda and to register. When registering, use promo code “Friends of Downey Brand” and recieve a $100 discount.