Legal Update: Hot Legal Issues Impacting Credit Unions in California
July 22, 2016
Presenter, 2016 Moss Adams Credit Union Conference
Moss Adams and distinguished guest speakers will be discussing pressing issues and the latest developments affecting credit unions at the 2016 Credit Union Conference on July 22, 2016 in Los Angeles. From legal, consulting, and regulatory insight, to thought provoking ideas from industry veterans, the panel of experts will review how to navigate the future with strategies for growth and how to stay a step ahead.
The all-day event includes a full lineup of important topics facing credit unions, including a presentation by Downey Brand partner Janlynn Fleener on "Hot Legal Issues Impacting Credit Unions in California." Other topics include:
- Strategic Considerations for Growth Minded Credit Unions
- Credit Modeling Best Practices: ALM, Concentration Risk, Capital Stress Testing and CECL
- Trends in Regulatory Compliance and Information Technology
- Current and Emerging Accounting Items Critical to Credit Unions
- Throughout the day, you will hear from leading experts and have the opportunity to meet and network with other credit union executives.
Please visit the event website to view the full agenda and to register.