Genetic Engineering in Agriculture: Science, Policy & Law

June 13, 2017

Presented by the Agribusiness Committee of the California State Bar Business Law Section

The Agribusiness Committee of the California State Bar Business Law Section presents a unique opportunity to learn from (1) leading university researchers about the science and technology of genetic engineering of plants and animals, their work, and what the future may present; (2) agriculture industry leaders on the issues presented in the use of this technology; (3) experts on the federal regulatory approval policies and procedures; (4) experts on the intellectual property issues presented in using the new technologies and the patenting of the products of genetic engineering; and (5) labeling experts on the new federal labeling law.

This program is FREE and presented in cooperation with the Departments of Animal Science, Plant Sciences, and Plant Pathology of the University of California, Davis.  For questions, please contact Downey Brand attorneys Steve Meyer and Tom Marrs (Program Chairs).

Event Details

Tuesday, June 13, 2017
10:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (lunch provided)

Activities and Recreation Center (ARC) at UC Davis (Ballroom A)
232 ARC, One Shields Avenue | Davis, CA 95616
Directions and parking information

Who Should Attend: The genetic engineering sector of the agriculture industry is experiencing explosive growth and this seminar is an opportunity for attorneys, industry leaders, educators, and students to learn about its progress from the top professionals in the field.

MCLE Credit: This program is approved for 5.5 hours of general MCLE credit.

Program Topics and Presenters

The Agribusiness Committee has assembled an extraordinary group of speakers, including research professors from UC Davis and UC Berkeley as well as industry leaders and attorneys specializing in intellectual property and regulatory issues.

Introductions & Moderator

  • Stephen Meyer, J.D., Senior Counsel, Downey Brand


  • Advancing Sustainable Agriculture Through Plant Genetics
    Pamela Ronald, Ph.D., Professor, Genome Center, Dept. of Plant Pathology, UC Davis
  • Animal Biotechnology: Opportunities and Obstacles
    Alison L. Van Eenennaam, Ph.D., Cooperative Extension Specialist, Animal Genomics and Biotechnology, Dept. of Animal Science, UC Davis
  • Breeding Technologies for California Crops
    Kent J. Bradford, Ph.D., Professor & Director, Seed Biotechnology Center, Dept. of Plant Science, UC Davis
  • Major Challenge for Citrus: HLB or Citrus Greening Disease. Can Biotechnology Help?
    Peggy Lemaux, Ph.D., Cooperative Extension Specialist, Crop Biotechnology, Dept. of Plant & Microbial Biology, UC Berkeley

Intellectual Property Issues

  • Plant Breeding and Intellectual Property
    Michael R. Ward, Ph.D. (Genetics), J.D., Partner, Morrison Foerster

Regulatory and Labeling Issues

  • U.S. Coordinated Framework for Regulation of Biotechnology
    Thomas Carrato, J.D., Principal Consultant, Creative Biotech Solutions, LLC
  • The Federal GMO Labeling Law
    Tom Marrs, B.S. (Genetics), J.D., Counsel, Downey Brand
  • GMO Labeling of Non-GMO Products
    Bill Tarantino, J.D., Partner, Morrison & Foerster

Industry Perspectives

  • Tom O’Brien, J.D., Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Driscoll’s
  • Dr. John Lindbo, Research and Innovation Fellow, HM.CLAUSE, Inc.