California Business Owners Subject to New Employment Regulations
May 25, 2016
Co-presenter, Metro Chamber 2016 Seminar Series
Join Downey Brand partners Cass Ferrannini and Liz Stallard in partnership with the Metro Chamber for a lively discussion on the latest legal developments affecting the workplace in 2016 and beyond. Specific topics include:
- California Leaves of Absence (including new leaves)
- Amended California FEHA Regulations (Effective April 1, 2016)
- Proper procedurs for discipline, demotions and terminations
Who Should Attend: Executives, Human Resource Professionals, In-House Counsel, Front-Line Supervisors, and Office Managers
MCLE & HRCI Credit: Downey Brand is a State Bar of California MCLE approved provider and this program has been approved for one hour of MCLE credit. In addition, this program has been pre-approved by the HR Certification Institute for recertification credit.
Visit the Metro Chamber website for more information and to register.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
12:00 – 1:30 PM (lunch provided)
Downey Brand
621 Capitol Mall, 18th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814