An Introduction to the Laws Governing the Bay-Delta: All the Acronyms You Need to Know, and What They Mean

May 7-10, 2019

Co-panelist, ACWA 2019 Spring Conference & Exhibition

Downey Brand partner Meredith Nikkel will be taking part in a panel discussion with two other California water law experts at ACWA’s 2019 Spring Conference and Exhibition held in Monterey, CA.

The panel will explain the web of laws that create the complicated regulatory scheme that affect the Bay-Delta waters and water users alike in a myriad of ways. These laws underpin the many imminent regulatory actions that will impact water supplies in California in the coming years. The panelists will cover the federal and state Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act, the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, federal reclamation law and principles of federalism as well as other laws that affect the Bay-Delta waters.


  • An Introduction to the Laws Governing the Bay-Delta: All the Acronyms You Need to Know, and What They Mean


  • Jennifer Buckman, Shareholder, Bartkiewicz, Kronick & Shanahan


  • John Herrick, Manager and General Counsel, South Delta Water Agency
  • Meredith Nikkel, Partner, Downey Brand
  • Bethany Pane, Chief Counsel, Delta Stewardship Council