It’s Official. The Drought Continues

June 15-16, 2015

Argent Communications 30th Annual California Water Law & Policy Conference

Downey Brand is pleased to sponsor the 30th Annual California Water Law & Policy Conference on June 15-16, 2015 in San Francisco. Downey Brand water law attorneys Kevin O'Brien (Conference Co-Chair), Meredith Nikkel and David Aladjem are presenting.

This year's conference will examine the new requirements for urban and agricultural water conservation, the use of groundwater to augment supplies, and other ongoing issues.

Downey Brand presentations:

  • Meredith Nikkel will be presenting "Refining the SWRCB’s Drought Response in 2015: Curtailments and Conservation – Emergency Rulemaking as a Response to Drought" 
  • Kevin O'Brien will be presenting "The Long and Winding Road: Litigation Over Biological Opinions for Delta Operations"
  • David Aladjem will be moderating the "Salton Sea and QSA Developments" panel